Threat from ticks
Scotland is banning the use of the only spray that can control bracken, Asulox, whereas England will continue to allow it. Bracken harbours ticks which carry Lyme’s disease.
All the latest news from the Highland and Scottish Liberal Democrats, Angus MacDonald MP and Jamie Stone MP
Scotland is banning the use of the only spray that can control bracken, Asulox, whereas England will continue to allow it. Bracken harbours ticks which carry Lyme’s disease.
It was a call that I’d been dreading – last Thursday, Jeremy Hosking rang to say he’d had enough and was withdrawing his offer to buy Kinloch Castle on Rum.
There was only one Corran proposal on the table at the Highland Council meeting on the 11th May 2023, and all us local Cllrs supported it. It was for the maximum £50 million bid to the Westminster Levelling Up Fund.
The Highlands is becoming the home to a significant percentage of Britain’s green energy needs. Even before wind, our post war hydro dams made the Highlands 100% self sufficient in electricity.
A gorgeous castle on a Hebridean island with a world class sea view and a decent skelp of land for sale at possibly as little as a £1. Tempted?
I am a Highland Councillor for Fort William and Ardnamurchan but I write on behalf of all West Highlanders, there are few of any political persuasion who would not support my request below.
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has today urged the Scottish government to launch a nationwide emergency insulation programme as he revealed that this Scottish budget makes no more meaningful provision than the last to bring down soaring energy bills.
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has challenged would-be SNP leadership contenders to look crisis-hit public services and families in the eye and recognise the harm that “relentless navel-gazing on independence” is causing.
Addressing campaigners during an action day for the Corstorphine/Murrayfield by-election, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton will say that “the time for liberal politics is now,” as he emphasised the need to end the clash of nationalisms holding Scotland back and highlighted his party’s recent successes in challenging the SNP and Conservatives.
Speaking after the First Minister’s resignation, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has today called on the next First Minister to ditch plans for a ministerial takeover of social care, claiming that it is “doomed to fail” and urging Nicola Sturgeon’s successor to instead focus on the core problems facing staff and patients.
Responding to the news that Centrica, owner of British Gas, has made £2.8bn in profits in 2022, Scottish Liberal Democrat MP Christine Jardine said:
Scottish Liberal Democrat climate emergency spokesperson Liam McArthur MSP has today called on government ministers to deliver a statement to Parliament next week which will sufficiently address and deal with the legitimate concerns of businesses about the Deposit Return Scheme.
Richard is an incredible candidate, whose dedication to others has shone not only through his career, but also in his voluntary roles in the community.
Scrapping the Protocol would represent a new low. It would be an egregious breach of international law.
The anticipated Somerton and Frome election will be a close two horse race between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives.
Liberal Democrats want a way forward which works for Britain - that cuts down red tape, reduces costs for businesses and makes people better off as a result.
The Liberal Democrats have today published a comprehensive blueprint for replacing the broken business rates system.